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Archive for the ‘Feet care’ Category

how to get soft white feet

If your feet have been ignored for a long time and are now sandpaper-dry, callused and unattractive, it may take some effort to restore your feet to a soft, rosy appearance. Treat your feet to extra tender loving care once or twice a week and you’ll soon have feet that can show off your favorite open-toed sandals. If your feet are cracked and painful, see your physician or dermatologist, as he may be able to prescribe topical creams or lotions.


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      Fill a plastic basin with comfortably hot water and stir in a small handful of Epsom salts. Soak your feet for about five minutes.

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      Rest your feet on the edge of the plastic basin and soften your dry, peeling skin by using a foot scrub. Use a homemade scrub made of 2 tbsp. olive oil and 2 tbsp. white sugar. Massage the scrub into your feet, paying extra attention to calloused, hardened skin.

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      Loosen any remaining dry skin from your soaked and scrubbed feet with a pumice stone. Rub the stone gently back and forth on problem areas. Don’t scrub excessively, as doing so can cause cuts and scratches. Avoid using pumice if you have blisters or open cracks.

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      Reapply a foot scrub again to remove skin loosened by the pumice stone. Rinse your feet with warm water and dry them thoroughly with a soft towel.

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      Massage a generous amount of moisturizing lotion or olive oil into your feet. Rub olive oil or a commercial cuticle oil into your cuticles. Cover your feet with cotton socks and wear the socks to bed for an extra treatment for rough, dry feet.

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      Buff your toenails with a nail buffer to leave them shiny and smooth. Apply polish to the buffed nails, if desired.

      This series has been sponsored by Depilex F-8 Islamabad, join their social media:

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Summer And Feet!

During the summer, a woman’s feet are just as important as her hair, makeup and clothing. A great outfit can be ruined by ungroomed feet peeking out from her sandals.

Summertime means a change in weather, clothing, and activities. Shoes come off and are replaced by sandals and chappals, with feet on full display. Year round foot maintenance is recommended, but if feet have been neglected during the winter months, now is the time to get them in shape. Here are some foot care tips to keep them looking  neat all summer!

Keep Feet Clean During Summertime

The first rule of summertime is to keep feet clean! Dirty feet are unhealthy and repulsive.  Wash feet regularly to remove the dirt and grime.

Additionally, summertime usually means bare feet around the house. Instead, find comfortable flip flops that can be kicked off and slipped on easily and wear them. Make it a habit to get at least one new pair at the start of every summer.  Use last year’s pair for yard work or cleaning the garage, and get rid of the ratty ones.

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Tips to Have Beautiful Feet

Every woman would like to have wonderful feet. As the warmer season arrives we change our heavy winter coats into lighter fabrics such as skirts and shorts. As our feet is the most visible in the spring and summer season, it is very important to treat them with proper care. Read on to get some useful tips to have beautiful feet for this summer!

Beautiful feet can be reality if you devote some time and effort to provide your feet with the necessary moisture and appropriate care they need. Pamper yourself with an amazing foot makeover and learn how to get stunning feet that will look attractive in flip-flops and sandals all summer long!

Remove Toenail Polish

First start your feet treatment by removing the toenail polish until there are no residues left. This way you can check whether your nails are healthy or see if there are any problems. If it’s possible use an acetone-free polish remover, as it is less harsh to your toenails.

Pamper Your Feet with a Fresh Soak

As a next step wash your feet properly and soak them in warm soapy water for about ten minutes. If you want to make it even more relaxing, you can add aromatherapy salts or oils as well. When you are done with soaking, careful rub your toenails with a toenail brush in order to get rid of the dead skin cells and surface impurities. In order to keep your toenails healthy, give them a break from polishing them all the time. For this reason, every couple of weeks leave them unpolished or just paint them clear.

Remove the Calluses

When you have finished with soaking your feet, gently remove the nasty calluses and the hard skin on the heel area by using a pumice stone. This is a very important step of foot care, in order to prevent your skin from sore cracking and keep your skin soft and smooth.

Cut Your Toenails Short

Long nails can look terrible and will make you look untidy. Purchase a good pedicure kit, which will help you to maintain the beauty of your feet. A proper pedicure is very important therefore save yourself some time at lease once in every two weeks and cut your nails straight. Trim them a nice even shape, making sure that you have left no sharp edges that may cause inflammations.

This series has been sponsored by Depilex F-8 Islamabad, join their social media:

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