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Archive for the ‘Hair Care’ Category

How To Get Shiny hair

Your hair is an important part of your appearance. If your hair does not look good, your entire appearance can be ruined. All of us would like to have beautiful, silky, shiny hair. But like a number of other beauty secrets many of us do not know how to make our hair shiny. Different hair textures need different ingredients to make it shiny. Healthy, shiny hair enhances the beauty of a person.
  • Fine Hair : for fine hair look for a shampoo with wheat proteins and polymers. These ingredients coat the hair shaft making it look thicker. Use spray volumizers. These are light enough and will deposit a light mist of shine in the form of droplets without wilting your hair.
  • Normal Hair : for normal hair use a shampoo that has silk amino acids, this softens and repairs hair structure. Lecithin restores hair texture. To add shine you can use gels and creams. First apply the product on your palm, rub your hands together and pat gently on to your hair.
  • Thick and Coarse Hair: Use pomades they will not only make your hair shiny but will moisturize your hair as well.
Tips For Shiny Hair
  • Use heat-activated shampoo
  • Deep condition at least weekly
  • Don’t use a lot of styling products as they can dull the hair by coating it.
  • Use Strawberry hair mask: mash eight strawberries with one-tablespoon mayonnaise. Massage this into washed but damp hair. Cover it with a shower cap and then a warm towel. Wash out with a shampoo and then condition. This mask will give your hair a rich gloss.
  • Increase the shine in your hair by giving your hair a cool blast of air to seal the cuticle after it is completely dry. If the cuticles are ragged then your hair will not shine.
  • For blonde hair use a few tablespoons of lemon juice to your rinse water. This will make your hair shiny.
  • For brown and red hair add a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to your rinse water.
  • For shiny hair you can also mix one teaspoon of honey into 4 cups of warm water. After shampooing, pour the mixture through your hair, but do not rinse. Dry as normal.

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Summer Inspiring Homemade Hair Masks

The biggest advantage is that your homemade mask won’t have any chemicals so it will really help your hair. You may already have most of the ingredients in your home so you can always whip one up for an emergency conditioning session! And it’s fun!

We gathered some of the best homemade hair masks and put them all together here for you. Read more and share your opinion with us.

First recipe is made of yummy fruits: Banana and avocado hair mask

This homemade fruit hair mask is proven to prevent hair loss and cure itchy scalp and dandruff. Helps to regrow hair and also to strengthen and fortify your hair.

Blend 1/2 a banana, 1/4 avocado, 1/4 cantaloupe, 1 tablespoon wheat germ oil and 1 tablespoon yogurt. For extra conditioning, squeeze in the contents of a vitamin E capsule. Leave on hair for 15 minutes.

This one, I prevent you, it’s stolen:). Olive oil homemade hair treatment, by stylist Josh Rosebrook:

young woman brushing her brunette hair

  1. Take 1/4 cup olive oil and pop it in the microwave for 30 seconds.
  2. Part your hair into four sections and apply the warm olive oil to your scalp, section by section. Make sure to work the olive oil from the scalp to the ends of your hair.
  3. Put a plastic cap on your hair and let the olive oil work its magic for 30 minutes.
  4. Remove the cap. Shampoo, condition, and style your hair as usual.

Broccoli…not only to eat but to improve your hair looks

ingredients-for-homemade-hair-maskThe most common cause of dull hair is buildup from commercial products. Most commercial shampoos and conditioners contain silicones, which coat the hair and can initially make it look smooth and shiny.
Broccoli seed oil performs a function similar to silicones – it is a natural alternative to shine serums. The oil is expensive, but only a tiny drop is required. Rub the oil into the palms of the hands and then smooth over the hair.

Egg mask

Beat two full eggs with 2 tablespoons of water. Apply to clean, damp hair, massaging in well. Leave for 10 – 15 minutes and then wash out with mild shampoo.

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Healthy Hair and Scalp Tips

Give Yourself a Hair/Scalp Massage

Massaging the scalp helps keep your hair healthy and can also promote hair growth. Nourishment is sent to the capillary vessels in hair papillae to activate the hair cells. Many hair stylists while shampooing hair, will give scalp massages.

Massage your scalp in this way:

1. Start from the forehead hairline along the arteries in the front, side, and back of the head, making small circles with your fingertips.

2. Work your way toward the top of the head as if drawing a circle.

3. Massage your hair/scalp for just ten minutes a day: once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Do not give up after a few days. Make it a habit! You can also massage your scalp when shampooing your hair.

Additional Massage Help From Your Brush

Many hair stylists say that the only role that brushing plays is to arrange and style your hair.Excessive brushing can damage your hair because it can scrape away your hair cuticles.

Forget the old saying about brushing 100 strokes a day! Brushing too much or too roughly can strip away your hair’s cuticle, or even cause it to hair breakage.

Additionally, It can also make oily hair more oily and dry hair more brittle.

The type of bristles on your brush can make a difference in your overall hair health. Choose a brush that works best for your type of hair.

Generally speaking, wooden brushes with natural or Boar’s Head bristles are a lot easier on the hair. The natural bristles can also provide gentle massage for the scalp and give the hair shaft a smooth finish.

Soft plastic brushes are usually best for medium to fine hair. The ones with knobs at the bristle ends are generally easier on the scalp but may NOT be good for your hair.

Karen Marie Shelton & Her Hair Brushes’s Karen Shelton is extremely picky about what type of brushes she will use on her hair.

As she explains it, it took her over 10 years to grow her gorgeous hair to her waist.  The last thing she wants to do is to use an “unfriendly hair brush” that will harm her silken tresses.

She takes a small magnifying glass to beauty supply stores and looks at the ends of each brush.  She will not buy a brush that is rough to the touch or has little knobs on the ends of each bristle.

Karen currently has over 100 hair brushes but her favorites are ConairMason Pearson and Kent brushes. She has a small purse sized version of the Mason Pearson.  Karen is also picky about the picks and combs she uses.

Note: The Mason Pearson brushes shown above are from The Marketplace.

Other Brushes To Consider

Rubber base brushes with durable and dense bristles give all the hair types a strong workout. The rubber base flexes so there is much less pulling at the roots.

Round brushes are the best for hair styling. However, be careful using them as they can snag hair very easily. Try the largest size appropriate for your particular style.

Try not to push down too hard or use excessive force when brushing your hair. If your hair is longer, don’t comb straight from the root to the tip.

If there are tangles in your hair, you will force them on top of each other. Comb the bottom third of your hair first using a “hair friendly” large toothed pick.

When this part is free of tangles, comb the hair from root to tip. Use this method whether the hair is wet, dry or during conditioner application. Remember, NEVER brush your hair when it is wet.

Hair is very fragile in that condition and will be more prone to breaking.

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Tips for healthy hair

Being able to obtain tips for healthy hair is an excellent way to ensure you know about the latest products, best available tools, and more current techniques for taking care of hair. Some people appear never to have bad hair days. They look as though they have just stepped out of a salon, no matter what day of the week. However, if you are like most people, you probably have the typical morning hair and do not look “put together” 24 hours a day, even though you may want to.

The good news is that you can have great hair, simply by knowing the following secrets, which we have provided as tips for healthy hair. Best of all, these are things that every person can do without excessive fussing. Instead of putting on the old ball cap to hide and unsightly head of hair, try the following and enjoy great looking hair all the time. Keep in mind that the first step is changing your mindset. Get rid of your scarves, hats, turbans, and other things used to hide your hair and embrace change.

  1. Haircut – One of the best tips for healthy hair is to ensure your hair looks great by getting regular haircuts. Now keep in mind when choosing a hairstyle, if you find that the stylist needs 30 to 45 minutes in the salon to make your hair look perfect, then when you get home, you will never be able to recreate the same look. Instead, you want a haircut that looks natural and requires little fuzz.Make sure the stylist understands the four important aspects of a haircut to include density, texture, type, and facial shape. For instance, if you have thick, coarse hair, then you would not want a full perm or if you have a full, round face, you want your hair to be pulled away from the face to make it look thinner. Finally, a good haircut should last six weeks, looking great every day.
  2. Work with Nature – Everyone has different hair. It might be that your hair is fine, thick, wavy, straight, and so on. To look its best, you need to work with your natural hair. Otherwise, you will find that you become enslaved to your hair, going through constant coloring, relaxing, cutting, chemical applications, etc.
  3. Use Products Wisely – Go easy on the products. If you apply gel to your hair, rather than fill the palms of your hands with the product, use a small, dime-size portion. The same would be true with hairspray. You do not want your hair to appear stiff but flowing and natural. Therefore, use a small amount of spray, allowing your hair to have movement.Another tip for healthy hair is that using too much products will cause your hair to appear greasy and weighted down. You also want to be careful when mixing and matching products. Instead of applying a leave-in conditioner, styling mousse, gel, and then hairspray, simply shampoo and condition your hair and then use one product. Additionally, it would be best to use the same brands in that they are designed to work together for the best results.
  4. Hair Rollers – Many people today use rollers to achieve soft curls. If you plan using rollers on your hair, you want to use them right. For example, unheated rollers should be used on damp hair while heated rollers would be used on dry hair.After you shampoo your hair, do not use products until the hair is no longer wet, but just damp. For one, if you apply the product sooner, the hair will take longer to dry, thus taking longer to curl. Two, you will not get a consistent curls. When you put rollers in your hair, place the largest rollers at the top near the roots to produce the most volume. Just make sure you do not position the rollers right up to the roots or it can pull and stretch the hair, causing damage.

    When you unwind the rollers, take your time. Too often, hair will become entangled, causing frustration and pulling. This breaks and tears the hair, making it look frizzy. Then to get a natural curl, instead of using a brush to form tight curls, flip your head over and with your fingers, comb through your hair. Then you flip your hair back, it will be soft and natural.

  5. Roots – The roots of your hair can be damaged in a number of ways. Therefore, before you start blow-drying or curling, make sure you take care of the roots. For starters, a tip for healthy hair is that when you blow dry, your hair, start by drying the root area first. The same would be true when applying hair products. You will get more volume by applying to the roots first and then working your way down.
  6. Preparation – One problem that many people face is that as the day progresses, the hair becomes dull and tired looking. If you are faced with this challenge, then you reactivate your morning’s gel or mousse with a simply spritz of water.Another great tool is to purchase a miniature curling iron that can be kept in your purse or desk. Then at lunch, you can take five minutes to refresh the curls, looking just as good, as you did in the morning. If you wear your hair long, then use scrunchies to wrap it up several times a day. When you take the hair down, you will have instant fluff and volume.
  7. Body – Dealing with limp, lifeless hair is another common problem. To get the thickness and body you want, you need to make sure your hair is washed with a quality shampoo and conditioner. Then when you dry your hair, bend over at the waist and blow your hair upside down. Once the hair is approximately 50% dry, apply mousse or gel and with a vent brush, work it through. Now, flip your head over again, drying until completely dry.
  8. Go Easy – Purchase some of the up do tools sold at stores to help put your hair up so it looks neat rather than just thrown together. To make this work, you need to gather all your hair as neatly as possible and then wind or roll it in one direction. With the updo tool, put the hair up and then secure it with bobby pins.
  9. Darn Those Cowlicks – Many men and women struggle with cowlicks but instead of fighting these areas of the hair, use them to your advantage. For example, you can start a part or sweep the hair over at the location of the cowlick and have a nice lift. Another option is to brush your hair over toward the cowlick with a little bit of gel. The result will be a nice fullness that makes the hair look great and hides the cowlick.
  10. Regular Trims – In addition to having a great cut, our last tip for healthy hair is to keep up with regular trims. Unfortunately, women will try to stretch the time out as long as possible but even waiting one week can make a big difference.

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Hair Tangles

Hair Tangles

Hair tangles are basically when your hair is not lying neatly against each other but instead mixed up all over the place. Tangles can appear as hair that’s knotted around each other or hair that’s matted due to lack of combing.

Causes of Hair Tangles

Learning tangled hair solutions requires that you understand the causes of hair tangles in the first place.

Hair tangles are causes by not combing your hair regularly, washing with your hair piled on your head, letting the wind blow your hair all over, sleeping without hair protection and not using moisturizing, detangling hair products.

Fortunately, there are many things you can to do remove tangles should this happen to you occasionally or regularly.

Remove Tangles

If you want to remove tangles with the least amount of hair loss, you must have patience and the right tools.

  • If your hair is tangly while wet, you should take a wide-tooth comb and detangle your hair under the shower head.
  • For additional detangling, apply hair conditioner and detangle under the shower head. Detangling under the shower head is probably the most effective of all tangled hair solutions.
  • If your hair is already dry and you endure some tangles from wind or sleeping, take some hair serum and apply it to your hair. Then gently detangle with a wide-tooth comb section by section. Always remove tangles section by section.
  • If you tangle your hair while combing or brushing, don’t yank the comb or brush from your hair. Instead, carefully remove each individual hair strand by strand from the tool. Don’t try to reverse the direction of the comb or brush. This typically just causes more tangles.
  • If your hair is tangly due to using hair spray or other styling products, wet your hair first and detangle under the shower head. Detangling under the shower-head works for almost any type of hair tangles!

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Maintaining long healthy hair

Taking care of your hair is a daily task that must be done in order for your hair to remain healthy and attractive. However, the amount of time, effort and money you are willing to spend to achieve this depends on you and your personal hair demands and desires.

Do you want a simple style that is easy to manage and maintain? Do you want spend 2 hours each day styling your hair so, that you just look like you have stepped out of a salon? Do you want a completely new look or do you just simply want to add a bit of shine to your hair?

The following offer tips and secrets about how you can give your hair extra shine, how you can control frizzy hair and little tricks you can use to make your hair do what you want it to do.

How to get shiny hair

When you have shiny hair it means that you have healthy hair. If your hair is not looking as shiny as you would like it to, there are some tricks you apply to assist you in getting the shine you would like. For example, there are spray-on shine products available in beauty salons that can add an effective, temporary shine to your hair.

Regularly rinsing your hair in cold water at the end of your bath or shower helps create a long lasting shine.

Deep conditioning your hair can help keep it shiny and healthy. Olive oil is a great product for deep conditioning your hair. To do so warm up some olive oil in the microwave for a few seconds and apply it to dry hair, paying special attention to split ends. Leave it on for roughly 20 minutes and then wash it out. You can also dab a little on the ends of your hair as a leave in conditioner.

Here is an easy and cheap honey recipe that produces shiny hair:

Mix 1 teaspoon of honey with 4 cups of warm water (blonde haired people may wish to add a squeeze of lemon juice). After shampooing, pour the mixture through hair. Do not rinse. Dry as normal.

How to control frizzy hair

There are various products available in your local supermarkets and hair salons that can help tame and calm frizzy hair. The following are some little tips and tricks you can use to manage your hair and allow it to look its best.

•Before styling your hair apply a no-frizz product.

•When you blow dry your hair, direct the heat downwards so it smoothes the hair shaft.

•Make sure you get your hair trimmed regularly i.e. every 6-8 weeks this will help prevent and manage split ends. Split ends causes hair to frizz.

•Let your hair dry naturally whenever possible and avoid running your fingers through your hair until it is dried all the way.

•Try not to wash your hair everyday. Washing your hair everyday removes your hair’s natural oils.

•Use a hydrating shampoo and cream conditioner every other day.

•Deep condition your hair once a week with a deep hair conditioning mask.

•Keep a frizz control serum handy like in your hand bag or work desk and rub a few drops over your hair for a middle of the day shine.

How often do you need a haircut

No matter what type of hair you have you should get you hair cut or trimmed at least several times per year. However, how often depends on the style of your hair and the amount of money you can spend on hair cuts. Short hair will stay in its style for about 4 weeks. If you have medium length hair you should visit your hair dresser every 5 weeks and if you have long hair or are trying to grow it out you should get your hair trimmed or cut about every 6 weeks. Getting your hair trimmed will get rid of, or help avoid split ends.

Other than managing split ends’ getting a haircut does not have much to do with your hair’s health. Your hair’s health is based on your hair care routine and diet. Nevertheless, getting your hair cut from time to time is good for you, if not only for your hair. A new haircut or even a trim can make you and your head feel a lot better!

Brushing your hair

You may have heard the old saying “brush your hair with 100 strokes before bed for healthy hair”. In our present day and age the opposite is actually true. In fact, the less you brush your hair the better. People followed this beauty advice years and years ago when woman only washed their hair with soap once a month. If they did not brush their hair daily their hair would accumulate dead skin and oils, making their hair dirty and unattractive.

Now days when bathing and shampooing hair is a regular and daily routine, we do not need to spend so much time brushing our hair. Too much brushing can wear down the cuticle (the outer layer of the hair, causing damage). People with shoulder length or long hair should use a brush only when it is necessary. Instead of using a brush everyday, a wide tooth pick or comb helps gently break through tangles and helps prevent split ends.

Brushing your hair is important in terms of stimulating circulation on your scalp, which encourages healthy blood flow and hair growth. However, there is an alternative to stimulating your scalp in this way. A more effective option is a scalp massage. If done correctly, it does not affect the hair shaft, which is the downside of brushing. While massaging your scalp use essential oils such as thyme, rosemary or lavender.

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Dyeing Your Hair

Theres just something so special about being a woman, donning a new look with a great makeover, trying out a new hairstyle or hair color. We all need a change sometimes, and what better to change than the color of our hair?

Dyeing our hair a new shade shifts us into a new sense of being, gives us a new persona to assume and fulfill. We can be the boisterous blonde we never were, the pretty  brunette, the electric redhead or the mysterious ebony-haired beauty. And with this exciting new shade also comes a stunning blast of self-confidence and invigoration.

Changing the color of our hair gives us freedom and a sense of renewal, even if the only thing different from yesterday to today is the color of the strands on our heads. Depending on your comfort levels, you can try at-home coloring kits or you can make an appointment with your stylist. Opt for highlights only or color your entire mane for the ultimate head-turning factor.

Tips and Tricks:

    Try to stick pretty close to your natural hair color if it is your first time. This way it wont be the end of the world when your roots start growing in.Also, you might consider a temporary washout color treatment if you are a beginner. This gives you the freedom and flexibility to remedy the situation if you dont like the new color of your hair. 

    If you opt for do-it-yourself highlights, have a family member or a friend help you, if possible. It is always nice to have another set of eyes to guide you through things you cannot clearly see. Mirrors may be deceiving, so having someone there to help really could be the difference between an okay dye job and an excellent one.

    Follow the instructions closely and thoroughly. No skipping steps. Test a small area of your hair as instructed, just to be sure you arent allergic to anything in the dye.

    Leave your hair down as you color it and you will achieve a more even look.Pinning your hair on top of your head leaves more to chance.

    Part hair into sections and apply color from roots to ends, starting near the temples. Double-check the instructions to be sure you are following them properly.

    To prevent hair from dripping on your skin, apply a thin layer of moisturizer or petroleum jelly to the skin at your hairline. Most hair dyes will not drip, but in case they do, this makes cleanup so much easier!

    If you want beautiful blonde tresses, consider seeing your stylist for best results. Dyeing darker hair into a lighter shade, especially blonde, can be a tricky task. Even if youre an at-home hair dyeing professional, remember that its easier to do it right the first time than to cover up any boo-boos.

    More Home Coloring Tips: Deep condition before you color your hair. Wait two days after shampooing before coloring. The color will adhere better, since your scalp is more sensitive after shampooing, it will make the process more comfortable. Plus the natural oils in your hair will protect it.

A new hair color is fun … enjoy!

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Your Hairstyle: Choosing The Right One

Your hairstyle tells the world a great deal about you. It speaks volumes about your lifestyle, your perception of yourself, your sense of fashion and style, and your likes and dislikes. It can also help define your mood (or mode) on any given day.

Why is it then that so many people are less than happy with their current style?

For the majority of people it is not lack of trying. Individuals pump literally billions of Ruppees a year into the salon industry in their elusive quest for that holiest of grails — a hairstyle that complements them, is fashionable, and that they are happy with.

Clearly, this is a lot of money to be parting with on an annual basis to be less than happy with the results. While there are no hard and fast formulas to finding your perfect hairstyle, there are some basic questions that you should ask yourself, and some basic rules of thumb that you should follow. 

Analyze this
The first step to finding a style that is right for you is to answer these basic questions. Even if you have never received a hairstyle that you hate, chances are that you will have received a hair cut that you are unable to reproduce at home.

How much time do you have to spend on your hair on a daily basis?
Be honest about this one! There is no point having a stylist give you a hair cut that requires you to spend 45 minutes each morning achieving the desired look if you do not have the time. This question boils down to your lifestyle and you need to consider it carefully before choosing a hairstyle.

How much money do you wish to spend maintaining your hairstyle?
Some high maintenance hairstyles will not only require you to spend large amounts of time styling your own hair, they may also require frequent salon visits. Before you decide on a certain hairstyle, you should calculate the cost of maintaining that style and check whether you can sustain that expenditure.

Do you have the necessary equipment to maintain the style?
Connected to he cost of maintaining a hairstyle, is the question of whether or not you have the necessary equipment. Some hairstyles have to be blow-dried, while others require you to use curling irons, hot-sticks, heated rollers, crimpers, or straightening irons. If you do not already own the pieces of equipment required for the hairstyle, are you in a financial position to simply go out and purchase this equipment? If you do not already own the equipment and cannot simply purchase the equipment, then you need to avoid styles that demand that equipment. 

Now that you have settled on a hairstyle that is right for your lifestyle and your finances, the next step is to check that it will suit you. The most important issue is whether a given hairstyle will compliment your face shape.

Just as your clothes can flatter the parts of your bodies you like, and minimize the parts you don’t like, the cut and style of your hair can bring a sense of proportion and balance to your face. Deciding on a new hairstyle can seem like a hit-and-miss affair — one style might drag your face down and make you look ill, another might make your face look fuller, while others yet may just not suit you for some reason that you can’t quite put your finger on.

A hairstyle may look good on one person but terrible on another, because not everyone has the same shaped face. Your face shape most directly influences which hairstyles you are able to wear well — much more than the color or texture of your hair. While products and techniques exist to modify these other factors, you cannot change your face shape. Learning about your face shape, and knowing the strengths and weaknesses of your face shape will allow you choose a hairstyle that creates a sense of proportion, balance and harmony between the style and your face.

Olive Oil The Best Home Remedy :

The quest for beautiful skin and hair is prevalent among women. You can make inexpensive, natural beauty and hair treatments from ingredients you have in your home that will perform just as well or better than products you purchase in the store.

If you only have one natural beauty remedy in your pantry, make it Olive Oil. It’s extremely versatile and can be used on every part of your body.

Removing EyeMakeup:
Olive oil is excellent for removing mascara. It’s much better than petroleum jelly or baby oil and is beneficial to the skin around your eyes.

Perfect Home Manicure:
Use a few drops of olive oil in warm water for a wonderful at-home manicure. Apply your favorite lotion afterwards to lock in the moisture.

Soft And Smooth Lips:
Beeswax and olive oil melted and poured into a small tin makes wonderful lip balm that will keep your lips soft and smooth.

Dry Feet Treatment:
Dry feet can be healed after one night of this treatment. Before bed, rub olive oil into your dry, cracked feet. Do not rinse. Then, put a cozy pair of socks on and go to sleep. Your feet will drink in the moisture and feel much better by morning.

Best Skin Softener:
Add a few drops of olive oil to your bath water for the best skin softener you can imagine. And, if you’re feeling extra decadent, then add a few drops of essential oil for a natural aromatherapy bath.

Please use caution when using olive oil in your bathtub as it will get quite slippery and you don’t want to fall.

Hair Conditioner:
A very small amount of olive oil applied to dry hair will condition and get rid of frizz. This is a great leave-in conditioner.

Shaving Cream for men:
Olive oil can also work as a shaving cream for men with sensitive skin.
The Best Sea Salt Scrub:
Don’t buy those expensive Sea Salt Scrubs. Make your own. Just add sea salt to olive oil and you’ve got a sea salt scrub that will feel like heaven. Add a drop of essential oils if you’d like your scrub scented.

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Is Hair Rebonding Good or Bad?

Beautiful hair is always a thing of beauty. That’s why every one runs behind attainment of perfect silky, shiny and healthy hair. The latest fashion is of hair rebonding which helps in providing you with sleek straight hair. It is greatly useful for people with curly and wavy hair which return back to their original nature despite straightening techniques. Rebonding is a process which helps in turning your dream into reality. However, rebounded hair need proper care for sustenance.

Every person has his own structure and texture of hair. Some are naturally blessed with beautiful straight hair and there are others who possess curly and wavy ones. Not that curly hair is bad- they too have a charm and beauty element of their own. However, if you want to permanently convert your wavy hair into straight ones, then the process of hair rebonding can prove helpful. Rebonding is a chemical hair treatment in which the cream softener or relaxant used breaks the hair structure. Then a neutralizer bonds the structure again and makes hair straight. In simpler terms, the rebonding treatment changes your natural hair structure and restructures it.

There’s a lot of debate on whether hair rebonding is harmful for the hair or not. You can’t deny the fact that any sort of chemical affects the hair. Excessive use of it can lead to drying and weakening of hair ultimately leading to hair fall. Hair rebonding requires post treatment care otherwise it may turn harmful. You need to be extra careful about taking care of your rebounded hair. Primary tips include using shampoo for straight hair, using conditioners, oiling hair regularly, oiling and steaming hair every 15 days, consuming a balanced diet, and other basic preventive measures.

Hair rebounding is a process which can help you attain perfect straight and silky hair. However, you need to take extra care of your hair so as to avoid any damage.

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