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Archive for the ‘Beauty Tips’ Category

Oily Skin Care Tips

Oily skin can cause several skin problems, including blackheads, shiny skin, makeup that won’t stay on the face, and of course, acne. While there are other causes, oily skin is the most likely.

Many over-the-counter products are made to treat oily skin, but these contain harsh chemicals. Sometimes oily skin care products end up leaving the face dry and rough, which really only causes another set of skin care problems. Some products upset the delicate Ph balance of the skin or skin tone, not to mention that the chemicals in these products are harsh and just flat out may not be safe to use regularly.

Essential Oils for Oily Skin

Citrus essential oils, such as lemon, grapefruit, tangerine and orange, can help with oily skin problems without the harsh effects of using the actual juice from the fruits themselves. Find an all-natural herbal lotion base and add 3 to 4 drops per ounce of the citrus essential oil of choice to the base. Use it on the face in the evening to help prevent oily skin.


Mix an oatmeal paste with unflavored oatmeal, lemon juice and olive oil, using just enough olive oil to wet the mixture. Scrub it onto the face to pull oil from pores and help reduce blackheads. Be sure to wash the face thoroughly with warm water afterward.

Shiny Skin

Mix some lemon juice with warm water and a dash of vinegar and then soak a cotton ball in the mixture and rub it on the face. Allow the skin to dry thoroughly without rinsing before applying makeup or other facial products. This will help reduce shine and may also help with excess sweating on the face that can cause makeup to slide off.

Excessive Sweating

Prior to applying makeup to the face, using a natural and non-scented delicate antiperspirant, such as Dove’s natural products, in the solid form can help with excessive sweating, help reduce shine and actually allow makeup to be applied more smoothly on the face.

Wash Face Gently

Do not overwash the face. Washing the face too frequently can actually cause the body to make more oil because it tricks the body into thinking the face and oil ducts are dry. When washing the face, avoid harsh soaps or chemicals, and settle for more natural alternatives or simply use warm water and a soft washcloth. Do not over scrub, but lightly and gently rub the face with the cloth.

Wear Oil Free Makeup or No Makeup

Wearing oil based makeup when oily skin is a problem only adds to the problem. Wear as little makeup as necessary to achieve the desired look. When wearing a liquid or cream foundation is desired, choose an oil-free foundation and finish with a powder to seal the foundation.

Following these simple, natural tips can help reduce the effects of oily skin and improve skin appearance.

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how to get soft white feet

If your feet have been ignored for a long time and are now sandpaper-dry, callused and unattractive, it may take some effort to restore your feet to a soft, rosy appearance. Treat your feet to extra tender loving care once or twice a week and you’ll soon have feet that can show off your favorite open-toed sandals. If your feet are cracked and painful, see your physician or dermatologist, as he may be able to prescribe topical creams or lotions.


    • 1

      Fill a plastic basin with comfortably hot water and stir in a small handful of Epsom salts. Soak your feet for about five minutes.

    • 2

      Rest your feet on the edge of the plastic basin and soften your dry, peeling skin by using a foot scrub. Use a homemade scrub made of 2 tbsp. olive oil and 2 tbsp. white sugar. Massage the scrub into your feet, paying extra attention to calloused, hardened skin.

    • 3

      Loosen any remaining dry skin from your soaked and scrubbed feet with a pumice stone. Rub the stone gently back and forth on problem areas. Don’t scrub excessively, as doing so can cause cuts and scratches. Avoid using pumice if you have blisters or open cracks.

    • 4

      Reapply a foot scrub again to remove skin loosened by the pumice stone. Rinse your feet with warm water and dry them thoroughly with a soft towel.

    • 5

      Massage a generous amount of moisturizing lotion or olive oil into your feet. Rub olive oil or a commercial cuticle oil into your cuticles. Cover your feet with cotton socks and wear the socks to bed for an extra treatment for rough, dry feet.

    • 6

      Buff your toenails with a nail buffer to leave them shiny and smooth. Apply polish to the buffed nails, if desired.

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7 Essential Face Care Tips

#1 – Feed Your Skin

They say beauty comes from within, right? Well it’s true, if you eat a healthy, nutrient rich diet, you’re going to have radiant, and beautiful skin.

The antioxidants in healthy foods will help protect your skin from sun damage, keep it tight, and wrinkle free.

Eat These!

  • Berries
  • Fruits
  • Greens
  • Nuts
  • Raw fats

Avoiding foods that make your skin break out helps a lot, this means avoiding sugar, and processed junk foods.

Throw these away!

  • Alcohol
  • Anything containing sugar
  • Deep fried food
  • Processed foods
  • Smoking
  • Wheat

#2 – Water

You probably hear this everywhere, and it’s true. Staying hydrated is important for your skin. This is easy if you eat a lot of nutritious foods, like raw fruits and vegetables, which are high in water. Otherwise, just keep drinking pure, filtered water. I drink 8-12 glasses a day and that feels like enough.

#3 – Relaxation

Stress is one of the worst things for your skin and face. Stressing and worrying makes you look older than you are. So take a few deep breaths whenever you start feeling stressed. You could even take up meditation or yoga, they help, trust me! Take some time to relax, it is as easy as lighting some candles and putting on a face mask!

#4 – Physical Exercise

Exercise keeps the blood flowing, it gives your face a vibrant color and keeps you young. Any exercise will do, as long as you get your heart pumping and your juices flowing. Daily walks are easy to implement and cost nothing!

#5 – Beauty Sleep

Getting enough sleep is crucial! During the night, your body regenerates. So if you want to keep looking good, get your eight hours of beauty sleep.

#6 – Natural Care

The chemicals in regular beauty and facial care products can irritate your skin, or make it more sensitive. You can avoid this by using natural products that do not contain harmful substances. There’s a great variety of natural organic face care products nowadays. You could even do as I and make your own products!

#7 – Facial Siesta

Let your face relax from time to time. That means no creams, no make up, no face mask, no soap, no face toner, no nothing! Just your skin and some fresh air, recovering and taking a break from everything.

If you cover these things, especially #1, you will be on your way to a more beautiful face, and who doesn’t want that? Easier said than done, I know. But we can always aim to do our best and remember these important basic face care tips.

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Beauty Tips!

Natural Way To Exfoliate

Sea salt removes dry, flaky, dead skin.

Wet face (or anywhere on the body), apply a couple of tablespoons of sea salt, then GENTLY massagewith a wet washcloth or fingers. Focus on the T-zone and cheeks, but avoid the eye area.

After one or two minutes, rinse with cold water to tighten the pores. It is important to do this regularly, or face-creams will not penetrate.

You can do this maximum once per week.

Fruity Lip Gloss 

2 Tbls solid shortening
1 Tbls fruit-flavored powdered drink mix
35 mm film container

Mix shortening & drink mix together in a microwave safe bowl till smooth!
Place in microwave on high for 30 seconds until mix becomes a liquid!
Pour into clean film container, or any other small airtight container!

Place mix into fridge for 20-30 minutes or till firm!

Dark Circles Under Eyes…

To lighten dark circles under your eyes, wrap a grated raw potato in cheesecloth and apply to eyelids for 15-20 minutes.

Wipe off the residue and apply an eye cream.

Home made Facial Mask

Face mask for dry skin

1. Take 1 tbsp olive oil and mix with 2 tbsp of fresh cream, leave it on the face for 10 minutes and then wash your face with warm water.

2. Mix 1 tbsp of honey with 15 drops of orange juice and 1 tbsp of fuller’s earth and add 1 tbsp of rose water. Mix well and apply on the face, wash off after 10 miuntes.

Face mask for oily skin

1. Mix a tbsp of honey with 1 egg white and apply thickly on the face and neck. Leave for 10 minutes and wash off.

2. Mix 2 tbsp of papaya pulp with 10 drops of lemon juice and leave it for 20 minutes and then rinse well.

3. Take fresh juice of any of the fruits (orange, sweet lime, watermelon or papaya) and apply on the face as a mask. This is very relaxing, it cleanses the skin, closes pores and stimulates blood circulation.

Carrot Facial Mask

Ingredients Needed:
2-3 large carrots
4 1/2 tablespoons honey

Cook carrots, then mash. Mix with honey. Apply gently to the skin, wait 10 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.

Glowing Facial Mask

You will love your radiant skin after using this recipe…

All you need is:
1 tbsp fuller’s earth
1 tbsp honey
1 tbsp mashed papaya

Mix and put on face for 20 minutes then rinse off.

Honey Facial Mask

Perhaps the best facial mask is honey.

Place a cloth in warm water and apply to your face to open the pores. Smear on honey, and leave on for 15 to 30 minutes.
Rinse off with warm water, then use cold water to close the pores.
Use once a week.

Orange Yogurt Mask

Ingredients Needed:
* 1 tsp plain yogurt (I chose Balkan Style)
* the juice of 1/4 of an orangeStir to mix and then dip fingers into mixture and smooth onto face. The sensation is both cool and relaxing. Leave on for a five minutes and then rinse. If you are feeling sluggish, this is the perfect mask for you.

* Yogurt will cleanse and nourish your skin
* The orange is full of Vitamin C and AHA’s

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Skin Whitening Tips

The following home remedies for skin whitening, not only lighten the skin tone but promise a lighter complexion. However, best results are only achieved if they are inculcated as a part of daily routine.

1. Bring a shine to your face and remove your tan with a mix of one teaspoon each of milk powder, honey, lemon juice, and half a teaspoon of almond oil. Apply on face and wash off after 10-15 minutes.

2. Oatmeal mixed with yoghurt, tomato juice and applied to the face and kept on for 20 minutes, then rinsed off with cold water, helps to lighten the skin by getting rid of the tan.

3. Slices of raw potato placed on the face helps reduce blemishes and other marks.

4. Lime juice being a natural bleach when mixed with turmeric powder and applied to the face is helpful in lightening your skin tone.



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How To Get Shiny hair

Your hair is an important part of your appearance. If your hair does not look good, your entire appearance can be ruined. All of us would like to have beautiful, silky, shiny hair. But like a number of other beauty secrets many of us do not know how to make our hair shiny. Different hair textures need different ingredients to make it shiny. Healthy, shiny hair enhances the beauty of a person.
  • Fine Hair : for fine hair look for a shampoo with wheat proteins and polymers. These ingredients coat the hair shaft making it look thicker. Use spray volumizers. These are light enough and will deposit a light mist of shine in the form of droplets without wilting your hair.
  • Normal Hair : for normal hair use a shampoo that has silk amino acids, this softens and repairs hair structure. Lecithin restores hair texture. To add shine you can use gels and creams. First apply the product on your palm, rub your hands together and pat gently on to your hair.
  • Thick and Coarse Hair: Use pomades they will not only make your hair shiny but will moisturize your hair as well.
Tips For Shiny Hair
  • Use heat-activated shampoo
  • Deep condition at least weekly
  • Don’t use a lot of styling products as they can dull the hair by coating it.
  • Use Strawberry hair mask: mash eight strawberries with one-tablespoon mayonnaise. Massage this into washed but damp hair. Cover it with a shower cap and then a warm towel. Wash out with a shampoo and then condition. This mask will give your hair a rich gloss.
  • Increase the shine in your hair by giving your hair a cool blast of air to seal the cuticle after it is completely dry. If the cuticles are ragged then your hair will not shine.
  • For blonde hair use a few tablespoons of lemon juice to your rinse water. This will make your hair shiny.
  • For brown and red hair add a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to your rinse water.
  • For shiny hair you can also mix one teaspoon of honey into 4 cups of warm water. After shampooing, pour the mixture through your hair, but do not rinse. Dry as normal.

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Summer Inspiring Homemade Hair Masks

The biggest advantage is that your homemade mask won’t have any chemicals so it will really help your hair. You may already have most of the ingredients in your home so you can always whip one up for an emergency conditioning session! And it’s fun!

We gathered some of the best homemade hair masks and put them all together here for you. Read more and share your opinion with us.

First recipe is made of yummy fruits: Banana and avocado hair mask

This homemade fruit hair mask is proven to prevent hair loss and cure itchy scalp and dandruff. Helps to regrow hair and also to strengthen and fortify your hair.

Blend 1/2 a banana, 1/4 avocado, 1/4 cantaloupe, 1 tablespoon wheat germ oil and 1 tablespoon yogurt. For extra conditioning, squeeze in the contents of a vitamin E capsule. Leave on hair for 15 minutes.

This one, I prevent you, it’s stolen:). Olive oil homemade hair treatment, by stylist Josh Rosebrook:

young woman brushing her brunette hair

  1. Take 1/4 cup olive oil and pop it in the microwave for 30 seconds.
  2. Part your hair into four sections and apply the warm olive oil to your scalp, section by section. Make sure to work the olive oil from the scalp to the ends of your hair.
  3. Put a plastic cap on your hair and let the olive oil work its magic for 30 minutes.
  4. Remove the cap. Shampoo, condition, and style your hair as usual.

Broccoli…not only to eat but to improve your hair looks

ingredients-for-homemade-hair-maskThe most common cause of dull hair is buildup from commercial products. Most commercial shampoos and conditioners contain silicones, which coat the hair and can initially make it look smooth and shiny.
Broccoli seed oil performs a function similar to silicones – it is a natural alternative to shine serums. The oil is expensive, but only a tiny drop is required. Rub the oil into the palms of the hands and then smooth over the hair.

Egg mask

Beat two full eggs with 2 tablespoons of water. Apply to clean, damp hair, massaging in well. Leave for 10 – 15 minutes and then wash out with mild shampoo.

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Dealing With Eye Bags And Dark Circles

Some people are afraid of doing facial exercises, because they think, facial fitness only increases wrinkles and makes them deeper: “You make the same things, which cause wrinkles on the face!”. Facial exercises do not cause wrinkles. Quite the contrary, they tone facial muscles and let you look younger without any surgery. The most important thing here is to do them correctly. It does not matter, how good your skin care is and what creams and masks you use, if you do not firm up your face muscles, your face look will still depend on your age. A truly ageless face skin can be achieved only by two regular procedures: good skin care and facial exercise.

Why Facial Exercises are Good

Facial exercises provide blood flow to the skin and, thus, make your skin elastic andremove toxins. You can start exercising at whatever age, it is never late. Maybe you are reading about facial fitness for the first time – it is because such an easy and financially unprofitable, but effective procedure is not promoted as much as, for example, skin care products. For those, who already know, how good facial exercises are and want more effective exercises or just want to try them, here is one more exercise, which helps to get rid of the unhealthy and tired look caused by the bags under eyes.

Get Rid of Bags under Eyes

The Following exercises help get rid of dark circles under eyes. Some of them are also effective for a good eyesight.

  • Sit down straight and close you eyes, take a minute to relax. Then lift your eyebrows, hold them in this position for two seconds (make sure you are stretching your upper eyelid during this) and weaken them for another two seconds. After this open your eyes widely, stay so for two seconds. Repeat these two positions one by one 10 times.
  • Sit straight and close your eyes. Look down, then in two seconds look up, then, again, in two seconds look down and so on. Make it rapidly. All this should be done with closed eyes. Make 10 repetitions.
  • Sit straight with open eyes. Look down, then look up, than left, then right. Hold your pupil in each position for one second. Repeat the cycle 10 times. By the way, these eye movements are a good eye exercise, for example, for those, who sit by PC all day long staring at the screen and whose eyes get tired of it.
  • Sit down straight. Open your eyes. Put the index finger and the long finger of your right hand under the right eye, right to the zone, where bags and dark circles appear. Make the same with your left hand fingers. Lift your fingers by only the muscle of your lower eyelids. Do not press your fingers too much. Make 20 repetitions.
  • After this eye exercises lay down and close your eyes, give your eyes five minutes to relax, they have deserved it.

Please, do not forget, that only regular exercises will provide good results. Once you have achieved the result, maintain it by doing the same exercises. You can also do exercises helping get rid of lines around the lips.

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How To Make Your Perfume Last Longer..

  • Healthy skin is key to the successful use of beauty products. First, ensure that your skin is thoroughly washed prior to applying perfume.
  • Evaluate yourself for any particular skin or body issues that may cause you to have a strong body odor. If you use perfume to mask body odor, it will not last as long, and eventually your body odor will overpower the perfume.
  • If you have any skin or body issues that could be disrupting the use of your perfume, address them by seeking professional help or using appropriate products before applying perfume.
  • Ensure that you are not using perfume in place of a deodorant or antiperspirant. Even deodorants with a light smell will not mask your perfume, but instead enhance it. The deodorant will take away any odor from sweat, allowing your perfume to gracefully scent the remainder of your body.
  • Ensure that you have no open irritations or sores on your body before applying perfume, as the combination of perfume and bodily fluids can combine to create unpleasant odors.

Provide Moisture to Prolong Perfume

  • Perfume lasts longer in a moist environment. Before applying perfume, first evaluate the state of your skin-is it dry and flaky, or moist and healthy?
  • If your skin is dry, apply a moisturizer to help bring fluids to your skin. Consider buying a lotion that is the same scent as your perfume.
  • Allow the moisturizer to be fully absorbed by your skin before applying perfume.Identify your pressure points, and ensure that they have already been moisturized.
  • The most common areas to spritz with perfume are your wrists, your neck and behind your knees .
  • Spray perfume across your body, making sure to cover your pressure points for maximum staying power. 

Tips & Warnings

  • Apply perfume before dressing. Although your pressure points may then be covered by clothing, the perfume will last longer when sprayed directly on your skin instead of over clothing.
  • If you have skin that remains dry after moisturizing, you may have to reapply perfume at various points throughout the day and night, as dry skin sucks the moisture out of perfume, dissipating the scent.
  • Stronger scented perfumes naturally last longer than light and airy scents. Choose appropriately!


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Summer And Feet!

During the summer, a woman’s feet are just as important as her hair, makeup and clothing. A great outfit can be ruined by ungroomed feet peeking out from her sandals.

Summertime means a change in weather, clothing, and activities. Shoes come off and are replaced by sandals and chappals, with feet on full display. Year round foot maintenance is recommended, but if feet have been neglected during the winter months, now is the time to get them in shape. Here are some foot care tips to keep them looking  neat all summer!

Keep Feet Clean During Summertime

The first rule of summertime is to keep feet clean! Dirty feet are unhealthy and repulsive.  Wash feet regularly to remove the dirt and grime.

Additionally, summertime usually means bare feet around the house. Instead, find comfortable flip flops that can be kicked off and slipped on easily and wear them. Make it a habit to get at least one new pair at the start of every summer.  Use last year’s pair for yard work or cleaning the garage, and get rid of the ratty ones.

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