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Sweating And How to Deal With It!

Summers are approaching and we all would love summers if it wasn’t for the one main problem are a few things that will help you understand why you sweat and how it can be controlled.

Firstly How to reduce sweating – a question that bothers more than 100 million people around the globe. Excessive sweating is a condition that scientists call “hyperhidrosis” – it’s caused by over-active sweat glands. Usually the problem affects only certain areas – armpits, palms, face, etc. If you suffer from this you know how embarrassing it can be, and limiting to the way you live your life. Especially in the coming hot summer months, the problem can become even worse. The anxiety which sweating causes, often perpetuates the problem – it increases sweating even more.

If you are overweight that can make sweating a lot worse – it makes it harder for your body to get rid of excess heat, as the layer of fat under your skin acts as an insulation. If that’s the case you should exercise regularly – that will condition your sweat glands to produce less sweat, when you’re not involved in a heavy activity.

Drink more water – that will keep your body temperature lower, which will reduce sweating. Wear loose clothing made out of polyester – do not wear cotton, as it dries slowly and does not allow air to pass through.

Here is a remedy, that has been known to work in some cases:

Make a paste out of baking soda and water, and apply that solution to your armpits – let it dry. Brush off the excess soda that forms, and you’re good to go. Do this a few times per day for a few days, and hopefully, the sweating will be reduced.

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8 Steps To A Perfect Eye Makeup

When evening calls for a glamorous look, you want to focus on making your eyes amazing. Here’s how to apply eye makeup in only 8 steps.
Difficulty: Easy
Time Required: 10 minutes

Here’s How:

  1. Prep your eyes with concealer
    Concealer can be used to cover up under eye circles  or just the bluish discoloration just under your inner eye. To cover dark undereye circles, apply three dots of concealer under each eye. Start at the inner corner where skin tends to be darkest, then under the pupil and the third on the outer edge. Pat, never rub with your ring finger (this finger tends to have the softest pad) until it disappears.
  2. Apply eye base to your lid
    eye base  is the secret to keeping your shadow in place for hours. Without properly priming your lid first, your eyeshadow will likely end up a greasy line in your crease.
  3. Follow with eyeliner
    Dark eyeshadows work great as eyeliners. Wet a slanted brush, then dip in a dark eyeshadow. Line eyes as close to the upper lashes as possible from the inner corner to the outer corner. Follow with liner on bottom eyes, but only line from the middle of the eye out. Smudge the bottom line with a Q-tip or your finger. You don’t want a prominent line. For a smokey eye , use a brush to pat in a dark eyeshadow along the upper lid and below the lid. You don’t want a stark line, instead you want to blend it so it’s “smudge-y.”
  4. Apply eyeshadow
    It’s great to use a three-toned shadow and build from lids to brow  Allowing them to blend into each other like a rainbow is gorgeous, according to celebrity makeup artist Mally Roncal. Start with a light color that almost matches your lid. Sweep the color across the lid and up to your browbone. Follow with a medium color across your lid only. Build on this with a darker color in the crease. Blend the colors well.
  5. Brighten your eyes with a highlighter
    This step involves only the inside part of the eye. Putting a bit of your lightest eyeshadow in the inner corner of your eye will brighten it significantly (this is the makeup artist’s secret and I use this trick all the time). I usually dab a finger into my lightest eyeshadow and then I press it into the inner corner of my eye where the upper lid meets the bottom lid. This totally makes eyes “pop.”
  6. Highlight your brow Take the same light eyeshadow and dab it on your browbone, concentrating on your mid-brow outward. Blend with your finger. I like to use it  just below my brow and just above it, but a super light shadow will do you.
  7. Curl lashes
    An eyelash curler will make even long lashes look more gorgeous. For added effect, you can heat the curler under a blowdryer for a couple seconds. Test curler before applying to lashes because you could burn yourself.
  8. Apply mascara
    Place the wand of your mascara brush at the bottom of lashes and wiggle back and forth. Follow with another few sweeps of the wand. Apply to bottom lashes as well.

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Home Remedies For Blackheads

Blackheads Causes

Blackheads are caused due to various reasons like oil deposits, unclean skin surface and pollutions. Hormonal changes at the time of pregnancy or menstruation in women, using oil-based creams, humidity and stress are some other causes.

Blackheads Diet

  • Fresh air, sunlight, leaving a stress-free life, drinking enough water, not eating junk foods, refined sugar products, meat, excess diary products are good for your health and prevents you from Blackheads
  • Herbal tea is a good replacement for strong tea and caffeine and has no side effects.
  • Let your skin breath, no makeup or less makeup enhances your natural beauty and keeps you away from various skin problems. Love yourself and your skin, use maximum natural and home products and do regular yogic exercise, pranayama, and meditation as it improves blood circulation. All your skin problems will be cured by these safe ways.

Treatment for Blackheads

Once awareness, knowledge and positive attitude are important during blackhead treatments:

  • Mild soaps and cleanser are good for keeping the skin surface clean and oil free. Proper knowledge and information about skin care, and medication under experienced doctors or skin specialist brings effective results.
  • Always use natural herb-based cosmetics as they are not oil based.
  • Keep a good balance of rest and work.
  • Never squeeze the Blackheads because it causes skin infection.
  • For Blackheads removal there are medicated Blackheads removal strips available in the market, which clears the skin pores effectively, but read all the instructions carefully before trying anyone of them.
  • Don’t use oil-based creams.
  • Keep your skin healthy let them breathe, use minimum makeup.
  • Use natural face scrub for removing dead skins.
  • Skin pores gets clogged by infection and dust. Use warm water for washing skin as it opens the skin pores.
  • Always keep your skins clean and use natural face wash.
  • Always drink fruit juices and water as it hydrates your skin and keep skin pores dirt free and prevent you from various skin infections.
  • Use antibacterial soaps like neem soaps, keep your towel and pillow clean

Home remedies for Blackheads – How to Get rid of Blackheads

Given below home remedies are easily available in every kitchen. They are very effective for removing Blackheads and have no side effects:

  • Your aim should be on keeping your skin oil free to prevent it from Blackheads. There are various natural cleansers available at home, which you can easily apply on the affected area to get rid of black heads
  • Mix fuller’s earth or multani mitti and gulab jal (rose water) and use this face pack on normal skin. This face pack will make your skin smooth and will remove Blackheads. This is one of the best home remedies for blackheads.
  • Make a paste using water and radish seeds apply it on blackheads, allow it to dry then wash it off. They are safe and effective skin treatments. This home remedy is helpful in to get rid of blackheads
  • Paste of (baadam) almond powder, (multani mitti) fuller’s earth, and glycerin soap are very effective in Blackheads removal.
  • Another good home remedy for blackhead removal treatment is using (dahi) curd and (kali marich) black pepper—Make a thick paste using one table spoon black pepper and curd. Apply this paste over the effected area and let it dry for 10 minutes then wash your face with cold water.
  • Green tea face scrub is also good solution for Blackheads removal.
  • Fenugreek leaves (methi leaves) have many advantages and various skin and body problems are treated easily by taking it in raw form, in cooked form or you can use fenugreek leaves and water paste for Blackheads removal.
  • Lime juice and drumstick leaves paste is also very helpful in treating Blackheads.
  • Paste of cinnamon and limejuice or a paste of haldi (turmeric) powder and dhaniya (coriander) leaves are also very effective home remedies for removing Blackheads. This is one of the important home remedies for blackheads.
  • Paste of yoghurt and oatmeal helps in curing Blackheads—Make a paste containing 2-3 tablespoon yoghurt, oatmeal 1-2 tablespoon, jetun tail (olive oil) and lemon juice 1 tablespoon each, and thoroughly mix the paste in a container or grinder. Apply the paste over Blackheads and let it dry, then wash your face using cold water. This remedy is useful to get rid of blackheads
  • Take grapes pulp and apply it on blackhead affected area, let it dry for 15-20 minutes, and then wash your face with warm water.
  • Cucumber is very refreshing when taken in any form. Blend the cucumber in a grinder, apply the cucumber paste on face and let it dry, then wash your face using cold waster. It is an effective treatment for removing Blackheads.
  • Make a paste using vinegar and cornstarch, apply on blackhead affected area and let it dry for sometimes, then using warm water easily wash your face. This is one of the useful home remedies for blackheads.
  • Make chandan (sandalwood) face pack using sandalwood and rose water apply this face pack on Blackheads affected area and let it dry, then wash your face with cold water. It will remove Blackheads and will keep your skin cool.

Never remove Blackheads forcefully by your hands as it causes skin infection and open a room for severe acne growth. There are various blackhead remover strips available in the market, if you want to go for this remedy its fine, however consult a skin specialist before using them.

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How to Apply a Smooth Makeup Foundation

Here is how to apply a smooth flawless makeup base. Follow the method to have an even skin tone after the application of your regular makeup.


  • Wash your face with cold water and use an anti bacterial face wash or soap to remove any remains of dirt. Then gently pat the skin dry with a tissue paper. 
  • 2

    Apply any light moisturizer that doesn’t irritate the skin. Gently rub it in a circular motion over the face and neck. Now use a soft tissue paper or cotton ball to remove the excessive moisturizer. This will give you a fresher look and feel and you will get rid of unwanted oils that cause pimples.

  • 3

    Apply a darker liquid/stick foundation to cover the under eye shadows or use a concealer if you have one. Do this to cover any other pigmentation and spots on the face and neck. If you are using a stick foundation then slightly dip your sponge in cold water and use the dank sponge to blend the makeup base. Don’t forget to thoroughly rinse the sponge and remove extra water from it before application. Remember! We do not want a soppy, drippy sponge.

  • 4

    Now use your regular makeup foundation. If you are using a liquid base then use a dry sponge to blend it. Liquid base should always be taken in small quantity. Use the tip of your finger and place tiny spots of liquid foundation all over your face and neck. Then blend it with a dry sponge. Use a damp sponge to apply stick base if you are using that.

  • 5

    After the fourth step, apply a light layer of face powder over your face and neck. Let it settle for 15 minutes. During this time everything will harmoniously get even with your skin and give it a smooth finish.




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    Makeup Tips for Teenagers

    Whether you’re a parent or a teen, having some easy makeup tips for teenagers can solve a lot of problems.  As a parent, you can see what’s on the tips list and decide if you are comfortable with them and, as a teen,  you may want a little advice on how to apply makeup to get the best look. 

    Keep two things in mind when you’re talking teens and makeup: Makeup products and makeup application.  Discussion over products usually comes down to how many and what color. Discussion over makeup  application usually is all about how much. Your teen can probably get by with relatively few products, but  she might want every product in ten different colors. What she really could use are tips on how to apply makeup so it looks great without making her look too mature for her age.

    Your Skin
    Before every makeup application, you need to cleanse your skin. Using a cleanser that is right for your skin type, wash your face and neck thoroughly. Don’t rub hard; instead, use gentle circular motions. Rinse completely, and pat dry with a towel.

    The first makeup to consider is foundation. Many teenagers don’t need any foundation at all. If you do use foundation to cover blemishes or even out skin tone, it’s important to learn how to apply makeup like foundation with an easy hand. Too much looks caked on, and that never looks good. You should use a powder foundation rather than a liquid. Put it on with a big, fluffy brush, rather than a powder puff. Then blend, blend, blend so it covers your skin and doesn’t flake off. You can use concealer below your eyes and on blemishes if needed. Use the concealer first and then the foundation.

    Your Eyes
    Next are the eyes. Start with your brows. Your eyebrows really frame your whole face, so keep them neat. It helps to start with a professional eye waxing to give your brows a perfect shape. After that, it’s easy to keep the look up with a pair of good tweezers and a mirror. Tweeze your brows right after you shower, and it will be much easier and less painful.

    For eyes that look wide-awake, start by curling your eyelashes before you apply any eye makeup. Eye makeup application can be varied according to what type of look you want. For teenagers just starting out with makeup, those glimmery, shimmery eye shadows are lots of fun, and they look great. Teens can wear nearly any color eye shadow, but you should stay away from colors that are super harsh. If you go with a bold color, make sure the rest of your makeup is minimal, or you’ll wind up with a clown face.

    The best way to apply eye shadow is to apply a small amount and blend it into the crease of the eye. Don’t wear eye shadow above the crease, unless it is a very, very light color, without the shimmer.

    If you choose to wear eyeliner, never put it on the inside of your lids-either upper or lower. This is a good way to get bacteria in your eye, and you could wind up with a nasty infection. Instead, use eyeliner on your top lid, as close to the lash line as possible. Then use a cotton swab or a stiff makeup brush and blend the color down into your lashes. For your lower lashes, just apply dots of eyeliner between the lashes and then blend.

    For mascara, start with the wand at the roots, and wiggle your way to the ends to get full coverage without clumps. If you do get any clumps, use a mascara comb to separate them.

    Your Cheeks and Lips
    On your cheeks, you need only a bit of cream or gel blush. Pinks work best for teens, with rosy pink as the darkest option. Put the blush on the apples of your cheeks, and then blend well.

    No list of how to apply makeup would be complete without discussing lips. For teens, the best thing for lips is a gloss. The shine is unbeatable; you can get them with tints and with flavors. Skip the lip liners and heavy lipsticks. They look too heavy on teens, and there’s plenty of time for these when you’re older.

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    Hair Care Tips

    Even if one is blond and beautiful unless you have a naturally beautiful hair, your good appearance and all the cosmetics and dresses on this earth will add no beauty to you.

    However, no one is free from bad hair days, and to recover from bad hair days, one may have to work hard and give lot of care to your hair like your heart. The most common problems for hair aredry hair, brittle hair, dandruffs and split ends.

    A Balanced and Healthy Diet:

    Protein, calcium and iron inclusion in your diet on a daily basis in excess enhances the growth of a beautiful hair without depriving nutrients required for other daily activities.Vitamins B and C are also essential for hair growth. Moreover, regular inclusion of these nutrients in the diet, prevents hair fall, and conceals bad hair days. Omega-3-fatty acid, zinc and Vitamin A strengthen the growing hair.Selenium in Brazil nuts, alpha linolenic acid in walnuts andzinc in pecan, almonds and cashews, all improves a thick and shiny hair. Proteins in poultry and eggs, not excluding the beauty Vitamin B12 in eggs, enhance the growth of hair. If you are more of a vegetarian, sink yourself into whole grains and cereals. Dairy and dairy products contain essential nutrients to boost your hair growth. Touch and groom the origin for a healthy hair with a healthy diet of carrots for a healthy scalp. Water, elixir of life, is the greatest hydrant of hair right from its follicle.

    Hair Hygiene:

    image by voguemarie

    On a sunny and sultry day, sweat accumulates in your scalp causing fungal infections resulting in loss of hair and skin problems. This makes skin on the head vulnerable to infections, and sensitive to harsh treatments consequentially damaging root hairs. To avoid this, regular cleansing of hair using shampoos and conditioners with gentle massage using fingertips relaxes root hairs and the surrounding tissues, enhancing blood flow and aggravating the growth of a healthy hair. So choosing the right brand of shampoo or shampoo-based natural products is very essential.

    Things to be remembered

    • Don’t blow-dry your hair – Whenever I wash my hair, I usually just let it air dry naturally.  I know that this may be hard for those of you who take a shower in the morning before work, but maybe you could try washing your hair at night instead.  If you do blow-dry your hair, use an ionic ceramic tourmaline dryer with a diffuser.  Your hair will be less frizzy and dry faster.
    • Use less hair products –  It’s been awhile since I’ve used mousse, gel, or hairspray.  Overuse of these products cause build-up and leave your hair looking lacklustre.
    • Use quality shampoos and conditioners – Lately I’ve been using Organix’s Coconut Milk Shampoo & Conditioner.  Love it! Not only does it contain organic coconut milk, it is sulfate-free and paraben-free. My hair just feels soft, plus my fiance loves the smell 🙂


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      Removing Makeup is Important

      It is so important to make sure that you remove your makeup at the end of your day, this is necessary so that your skin will be able to breathe and regenerate itself during the whole night while you sleep. It is normal to feel lazy at the end of a long day, and being tired causes women to fall asleep without removing the makeup from their skin, but that can be very damaging to the face and pores. The effect from leaving makeup on your face overnight can clog your pores and cause you to experience breakouts more frequently. When makeup becomes impacted into your facial pores, it makes them look larger and more noticeable. It is very essential to remove all makeup products thoroughly and completely to avoid blackheads and pimples.

      Items you will require for removal of makeup:

      • Eye makeup remover
      • Facial cleanser
      • A clean towel
      • Cotton pads
      • Moisturizer

      Step One
      Start by with removing the eye makeup first. 
      It is important to begin with the make up on and around the eyes because removing mascara can be very difficult, this is especially true if it is waterproof. In order to completely remove your mascara and eye shadows pigments, the use of an eye makeup removal product is recommended. Start by applying the eye makeup remover to a cotton pad and gently wipe the makeup away from each eye. The easiest way to do this is to close your eyes and then gently rub downwards on the lashes. You can repeat this motion a few times until all of the mascara is gone. Make sure to be careful to never stretch the skin around the eyes, because the skin here is very delicate. It is a good idea to use a different cotton pad if necessary to remove the eye shadows pigments. You can also use baby oil in place of eye makeup remover, or wet wipes, but you should never use regular makeup remover on or around your eyes, because this could cause drying of the skin in this sensitive area.

      Step Two

      On the rest of the face you can use a facial cleanser, but you should avoid using a soap unless it is specially designed for the face, because it can cause excessive drying. Start by wetting your face and then apply the facial cleanser. With your fingers tips gently rub the cleanser into the face and don’t forget to include your neck too! Concentrate more on the areas where you applied the makeup most heavily, usually on the mouth area, nose, and cheekbones. Make sure you leave the cleanser on the skin for two to three minutes so that it can penetrate into the skin.

      Step Three

      Use lukewarm water to remove all of the facial cleanser, and then dry your face with a clean towel. It is usually good practice to make sure you rinse three times to ensure the removal of all cosmetic and cleanser residue.

      Step Four
      Tone your skin
      Try to stay away from oil-based astringents, and stick to oil-free types appropriate for your skin. Apply it generously to the cotton pad and wipe your face until it is clean. It is recommended, but not required that you use a toner, at this point, as they are one of the most important parts of allowing healthy skin. Toners can also help to reduce the appearance of pores, and eliminate oil from your skin.

      Step Five
      Moisturize your skin
      This is perhaps one of the most important steps, try not to skip this one! Make sure to moisturize your skin after you have removed your makeup.

      So now that you are aware of the importance of removing your makeup every evening before bedtime, you should choose a few towels or a makeup removal mitt to be specifically for this purpose. This can help avoid ruining your nice bathroom towels with mascara and cover-up.

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